Kairos Weekend #30: April 4-7

Volunteers welcome and needed for all areas.  Please contact Weekend Leader, Steve DeLeon at ostevedeleon@gmail.comNew volunteers will need to complete a training and attend team meetings.  Existing volunteers – please check on your TDCJ training status at 936-437-3026.


We will be meeting at The First Baptist Church of Lake Jackson, 
use the parking lot on Magnolia street and enter through door #13
Across the street.


Dates:  8/3, 8/17, 8/31, 9/14, 9/28

Time:  8:00am – 12:00pm (may arrive as early as 7:30 for meet and greet)

Cookie Bake and Delivery

Our next Cookie Bake and Delivery will be for October 2024 Kairos #31.  We will meet on September 26, 2024 for the baking and bagging.  We always encourage newcomers to join us! Kitchen help begins at 8:00am and cookie baggers arrive at 1:00pm.  Contact Dennis Leveron if you or your small group would like to help at 979-235-0487 or leverondennis@gmail.com.

Please keep the men in white, your volunteer brothers, and families in your prayers.