External Links

Kairos of Texas
– link to Kairos of Texas, representing the many Kairos communities from across the state.

– link to Kairos Prison Ministry International. Excellent resource for those engaged in Kairos. Provides multiple resources. Opportunity to input your email address to receive Kairos E-News.

Kairos Prison Ministry International
– provides general information on Kairos.

State Volunteer Application

New volunteers are required to register online, submit application for approval and complete online training through the TDCJ website. Links to online application and registration may be obtained by clicking on TDCJ Website link below.  Please note that currently, although the TDCJ website may indicate “for retraining only”,  the process is the same for new volunteer training. 

TDCJ Website on Volunteer Services

For any questions or help through this process, contact our Recruiting Coordinator at tillman972@gmail.com or TDCJ Volunteer Services at (936) 437-3026.

Note:  When filling out the application, make sure it is fully completed.  In particular under Program Area, checkmark “Chaplaincy” and for “Faith Identification” indicate your denomination.

State Volunteer Re-training

Once you have successfuly become a State Approved Volunteer. Re-training is required every two years.
Re-training is performed on line.
Link to On-Line Re-training